New Years

5-4-3-2-1  HAPPYY NEW YEEAARRR !!!!! 

Lets talk about New Years. A day that’s filled with new years resolutions along with confetti and champagne. Most people stay up all night to watch the ball drop on tv and to count down from ten, to watch the clock turn twelve and to scream HAPPY NEW YEARSSS while kissing and hugging there loved ones.  Everyone celebrates the new year in a different fashion. Some go to church to praise the lord thanking him for the years they’ve had and thankful for the years to come. Others may throw parties to dance and sing into the new year due to the excitement some may even fire a gun into the air to celebrate. Caused by the exhilaration most people forget whatever goes up must come down, gravity will and always win ! If your southern like I am then you will already have your black eye peas and collard greens ready to go. Some southern people believe that if you eat these magnificent beans then you will have good luck for the whole entire year. Some Italians eat Lentils due to the belief that it brings wealth and prosperity. Nobody truly knows what the year will bring but we all hope for joy.